
What's Happening

Discover your city and travel with certainty

What's Happening

Search for what is actually happening

Find out what's happening around you based off your location without having to know a business name. Anything from; restaurant and bar specials, to city wide events, concerts and more.

Location Based

No more having to; ask a local, know a business name, or where they are located to find out what they have going on. Now, With What's Happening, you can easily find everything happening based off your location.

Found a business you like?

Stay up to date with any business you like by adding them to your favorites tab.

How What's Happening Works For You

Businesses add their different; Specials, events, or their restaurant onto What’s Happening for you to be able to easily find and access everything they have going on!
So whether you are looking for something to do, or a place to eat at with your family or friends, or if you are looking for a place to have a drink on your own, What’s Happening has you covered.

One simple to use app whether you are at home looking for your favorite restaurant, or trying to find something new. Or, if you are traveling to a new city. What’s Happening is a universal platform for you!

"Only app I use now, whether I am at home or traveling, with my family looking for a place to eat, or friends looking for a quick drink before the game. Love What's Happening."

Mobile Magazine